RM Consulting International helps pharmaceutical companies
maximize return on their sales force investment. Since
1996, we have combined sophisticated analysis with industry
experience to optimize sales
force strategy and maximize sales
force effectiveness in the U.S. and more
than 50
countries worldwide. Typical projects result
in 5% - 20% increases in sales or profits.
RMCI also helps build internal capabilities within client
organizations. We have a track record of providing the
tools and training to raise the performance and abilities
of key sales managers.
We invite you to explore our web site to learn more about
how RMCI can help you improve sales and profitability.

The September 21st issue
of the Eyeforpharma Briefing featured an RMCI article
on institutionalizing sales force effectiveness efforts. In
a recent RMCI survey, more than 90% of senior managers indicated
that less than half of their sales forces' calls were effective.
Yet many remain uncertain as to how best to implement effective
solutions. Click
here to read about a practical
framework for increasing sales by improving sales force effectiveness.
The July/August issue of
European Pharmaceutical Executive features an RMCI
article on improving sales force effectiveness. For sales
managers facing a mandate to more with less, this article offers
an overview of major barriers to sales effectiveness and a robust
process for making sustainable improvements in sales productivity.
Click here to read the article in pdf format.
On June 11th RMCI presented
"Diagnosing and Improving Sales Effectiveness for Sustained
Results" to the Sales Effectiveness Conference USA in Philadelphia.
The conference brought together senior level pharmaceutical
and biotech sales executives with a focus on how to implement the
latest targeting, sizing, and performance measurement strategies
to increase sales results. You may request a copy of
the presentation outlined below by clicking here:
success factors for improving sales effectiveness
cooperation to identify best practices and key improvement opportunities
Detailed action
planning to leverage organizational strengths and address weaknesses
and ability to break through cultural inertia to implement effective
sales effectiveness gaps
Poor call
execution including pre-call planning and reporting
Limited buy-in
to or poor execution of the profiling and targeting processes
Limited or
inadequate district manager coaching
Limited focus
on frequency attainment
structure or metrics that inhibit sales effectiveness
tools and techniques to drive positive change